September 15, 2021 🇺🇸 JESUS WARNS... A full-scale World War is coming very soon

1 year ago

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A full-scale World War is coming very soon

September 15, 2021 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “What My children do to one another is dehumanizing, depriving each other of their dignity by how they treat each other and by conditions. I am familiar with this type of treatment.

“A full-scale world war is coming soon and this instills impersonal violence and large-scale suffering in people. Dehumanization becomes prevalent in war times. The hate that intensifies among soldiers at war is a strong human tendency to respond to the dehumanization of others. I tell you not to hate, My dear ones, but to love. Yes, love your enemies and let them see Me through you.

“During World War II, My love was demonstrated through My servants, who showed kindness, compassion and yes, even respect to those who were persecuting them. They shared My life and love for them, even to the extent that they laid down their lives for another.”

“You can reach others through compassion by listening to their life experiences, what they have been through and how it has shaped them into who they are today. Do not be quick to judge them or be critical because of the circumstances and unpleasant living conditions you suddenly find yourselves in, be the light and hope in dark and dire situations.

“The destructiveness of war is devastating, and it can come down to a pivotal moment for a soul’s final destination, in that people can either turn to Me or away from Me, your witness of Me may be the last words they hear before dying.”

And here an urgent Message from Mother Mary from the same Day…

(Mother Mary) “Your nation is in great peril, and from many different sources. Prayer is essential right now. My children, please, my children, devote your minds to prayer, not to the things of this world. Beautiful are the plans that have been made for you all, if you will cooperate. I call you to cooperate, my dear ones. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Clutching your life, your will and your way close to your heart will cause you to shrink in spirit, and you will miss out on all the great gifts He wishes to give you for your hand-picked mission.

“There is so much to do, you have no idea how much depends on your cooperation, or how great your reward in Heaven will be, even though that should never be your motive. My children, fall more in love with Jesus and everything will become so very easy. Where love is lacking, so is obedience. Truly, this is the time to respond to the littlest desire of His heart, this kind of obedience will lead you straight to your destiny, for when He looks at you, He sees you completed in your work, and His thoughts at that time are about your destiny. You will pick up on this when you go deeper and deeper, totally abandoning yourself into His arms.

“You have never lived through a war on your own soil in this recent past. You cannot even imagine how devastating it is. You lose everything you have ever acquired and are stripped of your human dignity, becoming a wanderer with no place of your own to lay down your head. Therefore, prayer for repentance is so very important for the survival of your nation, for what little will be left of it, that is.

“I am telling you these things to make you understand just how very necessary prayer and repentance are in this moment. Much will depend on how much prayer is offered to preserve your nation and even the things you hold dear. Cling to Jesus, my dear ones. Cling to Jesus and pray with your whole heart for those who are unprepared for death. You cannot even imagine what is coming.”

(Clare) Oh mother, it must be bad.

(Mother Mary) “True, according to the iniquity of those who should have known better, Clare. The slaughter of innocents, the heinous things done to children, you have no idea. It is more terrible than you can ever imagine. For these reasons, judgements must come. But the prayers of the righteous will avail much, and there will be an abundance of mercy for the sincerely repentant. Pray and repent, and encourage others to pray and repent, for time is surely very short.

“I pray that God will bless you now, my children, with the desire for deep prayer and the courage to speak out boldly and warn others.”

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