Understanding the Characteristic Look of a Sophisticated Perpetrator's Mugshot

2 years ago

Sam Brinton, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy, was arrested a second time for stealing women's luggage, containing their underwear, and was book in the Clark County, NV, jail, then released by a judge, who set a low bail amount for him, then said to Brinton to "stay out of trouble" as a bail condition. Was this a wise move on the part of the judge, or did he miss some red flags & warning signs with Sam Brinton, thus risking the safety of women and minors? Does this portend a plea deal offer to Sam Brinton, which will allow this very bright sexual deviant to simply walk away with little to no prison time, despite the clear indications that his crimes were the result of his sexual deviance that has turned predatorial?

The following audio recording is from the December 21, 2022, broadcast of the conversation between national talk radio host, Todd Herman, and Sex Offender Treatment Provider, Jon K. Uhler, LPC. Prompted by a blog piece written by Jon K. Uhler,, LPC, entitled 'How could the Judge NOT have Understood the significance of this look?', Todd invited Jon onto his show, to have Jon speak to the behaviors exhibited by Sam Brinton, which indicate deeper concerns in terms of SamBrinton's current level of sexual deviance, and how there is ample evidence that Sam Brinton is morphing into something much darker and much more dangerous than simply a man with a fetish, who also has recently taken a couple of small suitcases from airports. In the interview, Jon draws upon his years of clinical work with the full range of sexual perpetrators, to help listeners understand that the behaviors exhibited by Sam Brinton, and men like him, should be taken very seriously.

The Todd Herman Show: https://thetoddhermanshow.com/

Jon K. Uhler's referenced Blog Post re. the red flags exhibited by Sam Brinton's behavior: https://www.survivorsupport.us/2022/12/how-could-judge-not-have-understood.html

Jon K. Uhler's first interview about Sam Brinton, after news broke of Sam Brinton's first luggage theft: 'The Dangers of Promoting Sexually Deviant Men into Positions of Power.' https://youtu.be/OHbpZTCzQZE

Jon K. Uhler's interview on TECN.TV, after news broke of Sam Brinton's second arrest for stealing women's luggage and underwear:
The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment: https://youtu.be/XvrTa4079DM

UK version of 'The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment': https://youtu.be/QGVf4Gybspk

What Schools are Keeping from Parents: How Predators are accessing minors through the Trans Movement

What the Pushers of the Trans Deception Don't Want You to Know.

The predatory Agenda called "The Trans Movement." SOGI Intl Taskforce interviews Jon K. Uhler, LPC

'Welcome to the Profile of the Sophisticat Child Predator.'

Strategic Methods of Manipulation used by Trans Pushers: Using language to control the narrative.

For further analysis of the dangers of the Trans Movement from two seasoned therapists, the following video is recommended: 'Unmasking the Dangers of the Trans Movement: Two Therapists Speak Out' https://youtu.be/IYClP3OqSok

For an understanding of the special interests pushing the Trans Agenda, the following video is recommended: 'Understanding the Trans Movement' https://youtu.be/f89Fny7OjwE

For more information on the characteristics of Sophisticated Child Predators, visit: https://www.churchprotect.org/kinds-of-sexual-perpetrators

What is Grooming? (Pt. 1) Insights from a Sex Offender Treatment Professional.

To better understand the role pornography plays in the role of generating sexual predators, visit: https://www.survivorsupport.net/porn-dark-deviance

For a repository of useful information about the dangers of Trans Movement, visit the following: https://www.survivorsupport.net/the-trans-deceeption

To see the unique nature of Jon K. Uhler's forensic clinical work behind bars with incarcerated sexual predators, visit: https://www.churchprotect.org/kinds-of-sexual-perpetrators

Jon K. Uhler's ful bio can be accessed at: https://www.survivorsupport.net/copy-of-recently-updated

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