The Raw Deal (21 December 2022)

2 years ago


An extended discussion and review of issues related to Twitter and Elon Musk's efforts to turn it into a forum for free speech, where he conducted a poll with around 17,000,000 votes, which came in around 58% opposing his continuation and 43% affirming. But new studies that are objective and scientific have the opposite outcome with around 2/3 favoring his remaining as CEO and only 1/3 opposing. Many thus suspect that Musk may have used this opportunity to smoke out millions of bots, each of which can make dozens of votes as a clever string operation, where even Edward Snowden has come under consideration as his replacement as CEO. Meanwhile, Joachim Hagopian has offered a sober assessment of where things stand on the international scene, where he appears to believe that The Great Reset has been defeated, in large measure by Putin's intervention in Ukraine. A fascinating study which I shared with one and all.

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