108. The Cornerstone - Mark 12:9-12

2 years ago

Jesus has just told a parable about humanity's foolishness, particularly about the foolishness of false religion. The workers in the vineyard, who enjoy all its benefits, have just killed the owner’s Son, thinking that in this way, they could have the vineyard for themselves.

To drive home the lesson, Jesus then quotes a passage from Psalms about a block of stone rejected by the builders but which God had turned into the cornerstone of the building.

Jesus spoke in the temple courts, and the magnificent temple loomed above them. Every building had a cornerstone at the top of the central arch, supporting the weight and holding it together. Everyone who heard Jesus got the point.

Jesus was saying that He was the stone that held everything else together. Yes, they could reject Him, but He was the beloved Son, the one whom God had chosen.

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The Incredible Journey is a donor-funded ministry passionate about communicating our bold vision of sharing the good news of Christ and preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus.
We are devoted to giving Biblical answers to life’s questions through television, the Internet, social media, Bible Centre, evangelistic ministry and Christian living and faith-sharing resources.

Gary Kent is the speaker for The Incredible Journey media ministry. He holds a B.A. in Theology, M.A. in Ancient History & Archaeology, and M. in Divinity. He is an archaeologist who has excavated numerous sites throughout Israel and Jordan. As an internationally-acclaimed speaker and TV presenter, he has spoken and produced numerous documentaries on subjects including the Bible, Bible prophecy, world events and natural health. His passion is to share the good news of Jesus’ imminent return.


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