Deep Night - CBC Radio horror anthology - Birth

2 years ago

Deep Night - CBC Radio horror anthology - Birth

2005-07-08 Birth

Written by Robert J. Sawyer and Michael Lennick

An extraordinary tale of two births: one the first human on Mars, the other a collection of tiny robots that achieve consciousness, with life-threatening consequences.

DEEP NIGHT was a horror anthology produced by the CBC in the summer of 2005. It was part of their Monday Playbill series (though it ran on Friday nights) and was supposed to run for 10 weeks (but ultimately only ran for 7). The individual episodes mostly feature strong writing and production, but as a series it’s a bit of a hodgepodge — episodes “Someone Just For Me,” “Man Radio” and “Ice Screams” had originally run the year before on CBC Sunday Showcase’s WINTER’S TALES and the episode “Birth” was actually a pilot for a new CBC science fiction anthology called EMANATIONS (which doesn’t seem to have ultimately made it to air). Still, if you’re a fan of NIGHTFALL or VANISHING POINT, you’ll find a lot to love here.

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