Elite Networks: THE REAL INFLUENCERS | Bonus: Live Dance + Music Performance

2 years ago

Elite networks of investors & businessmen often unite in their humanitarian efforts to provide services, infrastructure & education to fill gaps left by our local & central governments.
Oftentimes, it is these networks that act as benefactors to the middle class. For example, Rotary clubs raise the capital necessary to build community centers & art studios, they support education by sponsoring cultural exchange scholarships; they also award fellowships to those who excel in their profession. Elite Networks like the Rotary Club are in the hearts of towns & cities all over the planet.
In times of old, our ancestors looked to their community leaders to make sure everyone was provided for. Today, we look to the successful business owners & investors in our communities to do the same. The most important lesson to learn, both from our past & present is this: those who can generate, maintain & transmit wealth across generations for themselves, their families & their communities are those who determine the course of the future.
The real question is this: do you want to live at the mercy of the past, or do you want to shape the future? The answer to that question will determine whether you remain a scholarship applicant, or graduate to the level where you can be the one awarding the scholarship; whether you are a player in the games, or the one who sells the tickets, and owns the stadium!

Salida River Tribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRSvU_ABWL_eHW_gCL7rdiA/featured
Don't just be a player, own the game: https://amzn.to/3N2sBjT
Why the rich give to charity: https://amzn.to/3y3JIgT
Create wealth so you can help: https://amzn.to/3QxUWBr

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