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Ryan Gable talks Goblin Mode

2 years ago

Ryan Gable of The Secret Teachings joins Clyde for a conversation about Goblin Mode, which was the Oxford Dictionary "Word of the Year" in 2022.

More: https://groundzero.radio

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Goblin Mode is a term used, expressly to gaslight someone. Its people trying to reinvent the troll libel as everyone on social media has called several other people on social media, trolls. With everyone calling people they don't agree with, trolls, this goblin term seems to me to be a term to gaslight trolls. Someone calls you a troll, you might call them goblin mode. Anyway, hello Clyde, its Mode your longtime listener. I've created a Rumble account to produce my own content as much I'll listen to you, Russell Brand and Steve Bannon here. I've commented on Russell Brand's You Tube channel before, I think you should interview him because I think you two are both interesting people; but now even more so about his scandal. Did people go goblin mode on him? My thoughts on the scandal are here: https://libertineparty.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-russell-brand-scandal.html