The Green Glove 1951 | Mystery | Vintage Full Movies | Classic Crime Drama

1 year ago

Church bells begin to ring and the parish priest (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) knows it means only one thing. The 'green glove,' a miraculous gem-studded gauntlet, the churches' holy relic, has returned to St. Elizar. The town folk pour into the abbey to rejoice.
Mike Blake (Glenn Ford) is an American paratrooper who travels to France after the end of World War II to try to recover the jewel-encrusted glove that had been stolen from a country church during the war. His quest leads him to a beautiful young tour guide in Paris named Chris (Geraldine Brooks). A man who has been mysteriously following Mike is found dead in Mike's hotel room. The man has a sketch drawing of Mike in his pocket. Mike tells the police he does not know the man and he is innocent. Chris has fallen for Mike and joins him when he did not ask for her help.
Source – Wikipedia
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