William Girdler THE MANITOU 1978 Malevolent Indian Spirit Grows from a Tumor FULL MOVIE HD & W/S

1 year ago

THE MANITOU 1978 - A woman enters a hospital suffering from a tumor growing in her neck. Her surprised doctors think there's a living creature growing inside the tumor. Turns out that within the tumor lives a vengeful 400-year-old Indian spirit, the Manitou, and it emerges soon planning to bring terror to the world. A South Dakota Indian medicine man is enlisted to force the evil spirit back to where it came in a final confrontation.

Yes, it sounds like a pretty wild plot, and it is, but William Girdler gets it done right in this ninth and final film before his untimely death prior to the film's release. It's another slick production with B-Movie roots and yet has big name stars. Girdler was killed in a helicopter crash in January 1978 while scouting locations for his 10th film project.

This is the complete film in HD and Widescreen format.

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