Welcome to my Gaming Audio description/Livestream channel! #utureshow

2 years ago

Here's my #shorts entry for the #utureshow. I'm super excited to try my luck out against the sea of amazing content creators out there. I know there's some that may be flashier than me, or better gamers, but I'm pretty confident I'm one of maybe 4 other creators on the platform that make audio descriptions. I do livestreams, for fun and mainly for growth, humor videos, but really most important thing I do is Audio descriptions.

$100,000 would go an incredibly long way to be able to get a start in regards to growing the channel as a business, however I'm more excited for the potential exposure. Most people don't even consider accessibility in regards to gaming and it breaks my heart that gamers can lose their sight and no longer be able to enjoy 99.9% of gaming content out there.

It's my DREAM to grow this channel out to the point where I can have a studio actually listen to me with some yt accessibility clout to make the BEST MOST ACCESSIBLE GAME ever. It's always been my dream to be a video game storyline writer and I'd love to head a creative team one day and build games that EVERYONE can play. I'm not talking easy, i'm talking REAL accesibility options like audio descriptions, text to speech, haptic feedback, audio cues, etc. I'd want to make games from the groud up that people may have thought they'd never be able to play again. That's my real dream.

So UtureShow, I'd be honored if you even consider me for your top 10. If not, thank you anyways but please share the channel's Audio description videos out to those who may need them, because unforunately those that do, don't know it's out there. Thanks for the help

#shorts #a11y #audiodescription #audiodescribeyt

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