How To Speak To Spirits And God

2 years ago

Hello everyone,
It's Tiffany here back at you with another video, this video I'm talking about how to use spirit boxes and how to use other methods of channeling in order to speak to spirits, and God. Our world is filled with miss information about everything and there are brave souls here trying to come out with this information and giving it to all who has an ear to hear.

In this video I'm talking about taking the fear away from speaking to spirits and where to actually send spirits when you are casting them out or when you are preforming certain rituals to be respectful of the spirits feelings involved in the situation. You need to know what type of spirt you are speaking to. Sometimes even a negative spirit isn't a bad spirit its just there to help us through a trial and as soon as we figure out that trial we will know that the spirit will leave us.

Here is the video that I found on Billy Carson:

Here is the Urantra book

Tulsi chant:

This link is a direct link to reading the information on it, scroll down to fetishes and sins. It has helped me immensely learning more about how our solar system works and how the entities around us affect us. All entities seen and unseen are our brothers and sisters. Its time we started treating them that way.

If you would like to book a session with me Email me at

If it is a counseling session then I will post a video for you in private and if it is a tarot reading or charm casting those videos will end up here on the channel.

Thank you so much for watching and don't forget to share this video with others who may be struggling with this information.

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