Plants vs Zombies 2 - IMPROVE-MINT - MINT plant Showcase - Winter-Mint - December 2022

1 year ago

These videos showcases the MINT plants in the game Plants vs Zombies 2. I showcase each MINT, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and give a commentary about their desirability.

00:00 Winter-Mint 1 of 2
03:17 Winter-Mint 2 of 2

This video showcases the MINT plant - WINTER-MINT
When planted, Winter-Mint will chill all zombies on the lawn for ten (10) seconds. (12 at level 2, +1 second there after.)
This Mint will boost the WINTER-MINT family of plants for ten (10) seconds. (+1 second per level.)

The Winter-Mint family includes:

• Boingsetta
• Cold Snapdragon
• Ice Bloom
• Iceberg Lettuce
• Iceweed
• Missile Toe
• Snow Pea
• Winter Melon
• Chili Pepper

This is an under-whelming selection of plants and its Mint falls in that category as well. All these plants already chill zombies and since chill does not stack - meaning a zombie chilled for 8 seconds and has a chill effect for 3 seconds applied will still be chilled for 8 seconds and not be increased to 11 seconds - Winter-Mint's chilling effect is basically useless.

With three (3) Money plants and four (4) Seedium plants, the only plants players can be assured of having is Iceberg Lettuce and Winter Melon. Iceberg Lettuce is a nice trick but does not damage zombies. Winter Melon is an expensive plant and many levels do not last long enough for Winter Melon to play a significant part.

The bottom line is that Winter Melon needs other plants to help it out. We here feel Winter-Mint should FREEZE zombies. Freezing zombies is a desirable effect and would give players a reason to select Winter-Mint.

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