Policy on the Frontier: An Industry Insider on the Real State of Canadian Energy

2 years ago

Affordable, dependable, reliable and secure energy has always, been foundational to Canada’s economic competitiveness and high standard of living. Yet the broader political and media consensus today, based on the unproven theory of human caused climate change, is all about suppressing and ending the benefits of Canada’s immense energy resource wealth. As the largest source of tax revenue and high paying jobs this anti-energy policy is highly irrational and, if achieved, will greatly degrade the way of life of every Canadian.

Indeed, the current public discussion regarding energy ignore the fact that world demand for fossil fuels has never been higher. What are those undeniable facts and what really is the policy path forward for Canada?

Speaker info: Terry Etam is a twenty-five year veteran of Canada’s energy business. He has worked at a senior level across the industry including finance, communications and trading. He has written for years for the industry publication the BOE report and is an influential voice in the oil patch. He is the author of numerous articles and including his best-selling book “The End of Fossil Fuel Insanity.”

In our session he will explore how the current energy and environmental policy debate in Canada has become so unhinged from reality. Ultimately we all know that fossil fuels are a finite resource will not last forever. Yet, our world has never been more dependent on fossil fuels. While headlines and political pronouncements promise a “green” future just around the corner, Mr. Etam argues that Canadians more than ever, need to be grounded in the realities of our situation so we can create positive solutions not harmful policy dead-ends.

In this revealing discussion, industry insider Mr. Etam will spare no sacred cows cutting through the rhetoric and nonsense of current energy policy that stands to do extraordinary damage to the lives of all Canadians. He will address the real energy transition that needs to happen.

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