Messages from Ann & the Angels - 12/17/2022 • Receiving to Give

1 year ago

Ann Albers -
©2016 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You have a saying on earth that it is "better to give than to receive." We would say it is better to exist in the flow of Divine love in which giving and receiving cannot be separated.

In this season of giving, sit with the Source and your angels for only a few minutes a day. Breathe and intend to receive love. This never-ending stream of love can help, heal, balance, inspire, and motivate you. It can remind you of your true nature and restore you to a beautiful relationship with yourself. The Source will not force this love upon you. You have free will. You can open to receive it, or not. When you do, it will recalibrate you – body, mind, and soul – and impulse you to think and act in ways that benefit all souls involved, including your own. Your giving will become guided, natural, and joyful.

Some of you will be impulsed to give to yourselves first. Many of you have given a great deal to others and are now exhausted. At some point, your giving shifted from a joyful desire to share to giving out of duty, to earn love or affection, to prove your worthiness, or giving in the hopes that others would see what a good and loving person you already are. While there's certainly nothing wrong with giving from an empty cup, it can't last forever. You must allow yourself to receive love from the heavens in order for giving to remain a joy. Otherwise, you are spilling from an empty cup.

As you open to the never-ending stream of love, some of you will feel inspired to share the simple yet profound gifts of love, laughter, and kindness. Some of you will feel inspired to do things you love, thus sharing emanations of joy and peace. Some of you feel impulsed to share through passionate action. When you feel your connection to the Source, the impulse to share love comes in a variety of different ways, but always naturally, easily, and joyfully.

In this flow, you will start to feel more peace, calm, balance, and assuredness that all is right in your world. Everything you do from this natural flow will be a contribution in some fashion. If you feel impulsed to go shopping, you'll be contributing to the economy, to the joy of those who work where you shop, and to those with whom you have synchronous "chance" meetings. If you are impulsed to give in more traditional ways, you'll find that you give "from the heart" rather than from the head, and you experience a deep sense of connection with those whose lives you are impacting. If you are impulsed to sit at home and rest, you'll feel the peaceful vibrations you are sharing with the world.

So now and always, give yourself, and therefore the world, the greatest gift of all. Spend a little time in reception of your Creator's love. Allow yourself to open to the stream of life itself. Then, dear ones, in this space, whatever you do, wherever you are, you will give the gift of an open heart to the world around you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Ann Albers -
©2016 Ann Albers, All Rights Reserved.

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