2 years ago

Ron DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis Twitter
COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Accountability Roundtable

If the "vaccine" would be effective it would protect the "vaccinated" people against the virus so the "unvaccinated" cannot infect them any more. If it does not protect them than why would they take it? If the virus can be present in animals and on objects "vaccinating" everyone wouldn't help if the shot doesn't give sterilizing immunity.
It is possible all vaccinated people will die due to Antibody Dependent Enhancement and that naturally acquired immunity is the only way to beat "SARS-COV-2" like it did SARS-COV-1 and mass vaccination drives viral immune escape making diseases endemic. We've had a flu vaccine for 78 years, people still have the flu. Are you awake yet? There is no vax without side effects!
Hence: there is no reason to discriminate against the "unvaccinated" and no reason to make vaccination mandatory, there are only reasons to keep it voluntary.

Johns Hopkins Doc Says Natural Immunity 27 Times More Effective Than Vaccine westernjournal October 8, 2021 ⚕

Natural Immunity to COVID-19 May Last a Lifetime, New Studies Show newspunch May 30, 2021

91 Scientific Studies prove Naturally Acquired Immunity provides better protection than the Covid-19 Vaccines BY THE EXPOSÉ ON OCTOBER 23, 2021

Top 10 proofs of vaccine genocide:
1) An increase in excess mortality after the vaccine was introduced.
2) A 17 fold increase in athlete deaths.
3) Since the vaccine roll out myo and pericarditis are not rare among children any more and they where not dying from COVID-19 before they started vaccinating them.
4) The peak in the amount of COVID-19 deaths we see in 75 countries in the video "Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality & COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs SPREAD" cannot be a coincidence!
5) At least 8 doctors and 3 professors have made clear why mass vaccination must be halted immediately and why continuing mass vaccination is mass murder, genocide.
Make clear: if you continue vaccinating now you are murderers! ☝🏼 Dr. Noack. Also see Dr.'s Coleman, Tenpenny, Zelenko, Vanden Bossche, Yeadon, McCullough, Hoffe, and Professors Cahill, Makary, and Bhakdi explain.
6) In The Netherlands the Dutch RIVM is censoring (hiding) the vaccination status of the COVID-19 deaths which they'd show if the vaccines would really prevent severe disease and death which they pretend.
7) The most vaccinated countries have most "COVID-19 deaths".
8) Professor Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University made clear natural immunity is 27 times better than vaccine acquired immunity.
9) 91 studies prove naturally acquired immunity provides better protection than the COVID-19 vaccines
10) Most reported U.S. Omicron cases have hit the fully vaccinated -CDC 📈 Reuters, December 10, 2021 Yet they continue their vaccine genocide
11) Johns Hopkins found that natural immunity developed from prior variants reduced the risk of infection with the Omicron variant.
Natural immunity was six times stronger during the Delta wave than vaccination, according to one news report about the CDC study.
Natural Immunity to COVID-19 May Last a Lifetime, New Studies Show
Newspunch May 30, 2021 People who have caught Covid could be naturally immune from the virus for a lifetime, according to new studies.
A study published in Nature showed that antibody-producing cells located in a person’s bone marrow keep ‘memories’ of the virus for years after it’s gone.
Results suggest that people who recovered from Covid, and were then immunised, would not need booster shots further down the line.

57 Top Scientists and Doctors: Stop All Covid Vaccinations 🛑 newsvoice se May 9, 2021

COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 2,347 studies

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