New Parts Therapy Webinar!

2 years ago

ANNOUNCING, PARTS THERAPY WEBINAR. When: May 22, 2022 03:00 PM London

Who else wants to learn how to resolve their client's inner conflicts quickly, easily and effectively in one session?
One of the most effective tools that a therapist can have in their tool box is a way to help client's resolve inner conflicts or "parts". Parts therapy is an incredibly powerful methods for helping with all sorts of behavioural problems, from phobias to addictions so it's well worth having several tools that will help you do this without the client having to relive traumatic events.
Warning! Not all parts therapies are equal. Some parts therapies, if not resolved can make the problem worse, not better! Some methods even give the parts "names" which just goes to create further incongruence within the clients ("oh it's not my fault, it's Bob, my angry part") This is a mistake.
Effective parts work should look to integrate the parts to create wholeness.
In this webinar you will learn several complete methods to integrate parts conflicts and create wholeness in your clients. You will learn the difference between simultaneous and sequential incongruence (really important if you work with addictions!) and how to work with both.
My last two webinars were sold out so sign up now if you want to learn these powerful processes!

When: May 22, 2022 03:00 PM London
Topic: Parts Therapy Webinar

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