Interesting Object Captured Crossing the Moon Captured by John Lenard Walson

2 years ago

This video was filmed by John Lenard Walson and put on his youtube channel, along with quite a bit of other up close moon stuff.

While I know there are loads of folks doing moon streaming and video recording, I don't know of anyone else, getting as close to the surface with their stuff as John Lenard Walson.

I've always kept an eye on John as I feel he's capturing some extraordinary stuff.

While John does his best attempt to edit this video, and gives you a view in several different ways - I've taken the same footage and edited it with my own style - which shows a negative version and a regular filmed version, which has colors that aren't necessarily natural - I imagine he applied filters to the video, either post op, or during filming - hard to say as we don't speak regularly and most people are pretty secretive on their set ups and what they do in order to try to bring out more details.

I have some moon stuff of his I've been tinkering with as well, with different distortions to the video - attempting to give different views, angles and aspects.

Johns Channel Link:

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