Russian And Belarusian Soldiers Simulate Clash In Urban Conditions

1 year ago

Russian and Belarusian soldiers allegedly joined forces in a military exercise somewhere in Belarus and conducted training that simulated a clash in urban conditions.

Fighters inside armoured fighting vehicles worked together to locate their shooting targets and fire at them as can be seen from these images.

Later, they proceeded on foot as they entered a training complex meant to simulate a battle inside buildings and similar urban conditions.

Afterwards, soldiers climbed back into their armoured vehicles and entered a snow-covered pine forest where they allegedly participated in classes about military equipment management.

The images were obtained by Newsflash from the Russian MoD on 21st December, along with a statement that said: "The crews take up firing positions and begin to search for a target for its further destruction. Here, coherence in the work of calculations is extremely important.

"Fighters must understand each other perfectly. Everyone should know what to do.

"Just a moment and a guided projectile is already flying in a spiral towards the target that needs to be destroyed. Working on the principle of "fire and forget", ATGM is today one of the most accurate, and therefore dangerous infantry anti-tank weapons.

"In the training complex, training is being held to simulate a clash in an urban environment, including cleaning the interior of buildings.

"There are many rooms in the labyrinth. The fighters must enter each, and be sure to cover each other. Thus, the coordination of combat twos takes place. Here, military personnel work in a combat-united manner.

"Literally, feeling the shoulder of a friend."

The images and part of the statement were also relayed from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus.

Russia invaded Ukraine on 24th February in what the Kremlin is still calling a "special military operation". Today marks the 301st day of the invasion.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that between 24th February and 21st December, Russia had lost about 99,740 personnel, 3,002 tanks, 5,979 armoured combat vehicles, 1972 artillery units, 412 multiple launch rocket systems, 212 air defence systems, 282 warplanes, 267 helicopters, 1,688 drones, 653 cruise missiles, 16 warships, 4,608 motor vehicles and fuel tankers, and 178 units of special equipment.

Russia has claimed that its casualties have been much lower but provides infrequent updates on its latest figures.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a surprise visit to Ukrainian troops serving on the intense Bakhmut front on 20th December to commend their bravery and presented them with awards.

While Russian President Vladimir Putin held a senior-level award ceremony where he celebrated Russian occupation and Kremlin officials.

Zelensky is expected to soon visit the US Congress in Washington with a plea for aid in the conflict with Russia.

And US President Joe Biden is set to unveil nearly USD 1.8 billion (GBP 1.4 billion) in military assistance to help strengthen Ukraine's defences in the upcoming winter.

Meanwhile, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko confirmed that Russia “gave” Belarus an unspecified number of S-400 air defence systems during his meeting with Putin in Minsk after Lukashenko had previously rejected them from operating in Belarus in 2020.

Putin acknowledged conditions in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine are becoming "extremely difficult".

Russian forces are expanding their defences on the left (east) bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast as Putin put out orders to strengthen Russia's borders.

The US State Department said Iran's drone shipments to Russia that are to be used in the conflict with Ukraine are turning relations between Tehran and Moscow into a "full-fledged defence partnership".

British defence minister Ben Wallace called upon the West to do more to expose Russia and Iran's trade of military components.

The electricity supplies around Kyiv are reportedly at a critical level as Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal urges the nation to prepare for new attacks that will have them spend the New Year holidays in darkness.

Over 10 million people in Ukraine’s population may suffer from a mental health disorder due to the war, according to the World Health Organization's estimations.

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