China + the US are Partners in The Great Reset

2 years ago

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You could look far back on this - back to the Opium Wars - but the 1970s is our best starting point:

1968 The Club of Rome was formed by the Billionaires Cabal to find a better way to build a Brave New World Order. They chose to create - A Common Enemy - Humanity - in the form of the Climate Change doomsday preaching.

In the 1970s, they chose China to replace the faltering Soviet Union + replace the biggest obstacle to World Government since the League of Nations was still-born --- The American People who loved Liberty too much.

In 1989, as Liberation Movements swept through the Iron Curtain of Eastern European Communism - China experienced a mirror uprising for Economic Freedom + Democracy -- but it was violently crushed in the Tiananmen Massacre.

Soon after, the West betrayed the Freedom Lovers in China in the worst way possible - particularly President George Bush Sr. - who had been the US Ambassador to the UN when the CCP was official recognized as the legitimate Government of China --- and then advised Pres. Nixon on Normalizing Relations with the CCP + paved the way for a most historic visit to Beijing.

The whole of American + Western Industry + Manufacturing made China into a Super Power to rival the US -- when it had been an extremely poor peasant nation. In the 1990s, Big Tech took Beijing's Tyranny into the 21st Century.

Now in 2020, Big Tech is bringing the control grid ---- home.

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