The Savior Trauma Trigger: Why do we attract the "wrong of us" people?

2 years ago

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The Savior Trauma Trigger is a reaction that occurs when you feel this over excitement at meeting someone that your inner child believes will save them from a past trauma. I’ve learned in my own healing and my work with my clients that an overly exuberant reaction can also be a trauma trigger response. The Savior Trauma Trigger can also be activated if you were exposed to abuse as a child and you meet someone that reminds you of your abuser(s) hoping that this time, you won’t be abused.⠀

If you do have a history of attracting the “wrong for you” people, remember one of the first times you met one of them. Feel the exuberance and excitement. Breathe into the feeling and feel it in your body. Now, imagine the opposite of this. Ask yourself, “what is this person saving me from?” If you aren’t getting an insight, imagine this person just disappearing from you in that happy memory and see what that brings up. Usually you will feel a negative feeling emotion. Focus on that emotion and identify where you feel it in your body. Breathe and meditate on this feeling in your body. Your subconscious will show you the underlying fear and trauma from which you hope this savior will rescue you from. This is the trauma trigger you can now begin healing and doing the root trauma release work on. This is the trauma trigger that you keep trying to avoid by attracting the “wrong for you” people. After healing this trauma, when you revisit the happy memory where you met the “savior”, you are able to feel differently about that person. You may even be able to recognize the “wrong for you” attributes that you weren’t able to before.⠀

Some people may ask, what if it’s truly love at first sight and not a trauma trigger? There is a difference between a grounded happy response and an ungrounded triggered exuberant reaction. The key is to meditate on your reactions so you can tune into your inner guidance. Most people can say they had gut feelings that they knew the person was wrong for them. They just chose to ignore the warning signs. ⠀

Please refer to my earlier posts or click the link below for more on how to heal trauma & karma from past lives:

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