Gungrave GORE part 6...! Quartz on a mission! Trashing a casino to chase down a SEED-powered witch!

1 year ago

We're back with more Gungrave GORE, folks! This time around we pick up with Quartz fighting her way out of the Vietnam caves where Grave previously found the underground labs! Once she's escaped, it's on to Kuala Lumpur to find Big Wushen, the witch of Raven Clan! She's holed up in a ridiculous HQ building with a casino, filled with goons under the influence of her song... time to wreck everything!

Hey, if you enjoy fantasy novels, check out my book! The Farvithia Chronicle is the first book in the tale of Maeryden and Grayston, a sorceress and a mercenary brought together by a foul plot and an enemy targeting them both! Have a look into a world of centaurs, werewolves, witches and demon-spawned spiders!

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