Suzy Snowflake (Christmas Tune) 2022 Version

1 year ago

Original Debut as a Part of The Brad & Abbey Christmas Special!

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Here comes Suzy Snowflake Driving all around town Snap Snap Snapin as she goes insane An yelling like a clown

Here comes Suzy Snowflake Like the Zoo just got out to play Climate change is gonna murder thee Unless I'm a freak today

If you want to make a girl-man I'll just Consult my gender Degree Just watch lots of the tv show "Friends" Then Chop off your D

Here comes Suzy Snowflake Boosted and Vaxxed all around A tiny fragment of HIV So you'll still need a mask and gown

Here comes Suzy Snowflake Her pronouns are She it they She Seems pretty triggered as she screams in your face I guess she's not having a great day

Here comes Suzy Snowflake Her safety relies on you with your magic white privilege you can save the world your flying unicorn can join you too

If you wanna burn a town down Just write "I vote blue" in Gasoline and if you snuck in illegally You'll be covered from sea to sea

Here comes Suzy Snowflake Look at her laying down Better hit those brakes before ya hit some soy Cause SUUUUZYYYS MELLLLTIN DOOOOWN

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