2014 Conf MIKE SMITH Excerpt 34 09' 21 12 22

1 year ago

Following the theme of bringing the AMMACH ARCHIVES up to date, the 2014 conference, edited for clarity and out of archived files into a public space, despite technical difficulties, serves as a point of timeless information and testimony relating to the deep relationship that exists for certain people in the world related to experiences of ET/alien/space family in all its forms.

Mike Smith's extraordinary life long abduction and contact since a toddler, was something he was unconscious of until aged 44, when he experienced a download that played his whole life to him in seconds revealing a life time of events that he categorically did not believe in....that is alien abduction...Mike's experiences have had a range of impacts on his life, as he was unaware of the cause of some of his behaviours and thinking...and when he had the download, he thought he'd suddenly developed some kind of quick acting mental illness, and turned to serious alcohol use to help him try and come to terms with the revelations....he was not who he thought he was.

The book about his life which I wrote with his input in 2016 was also a trial, and there were many occasions during the three or more years of work I had, when the memories hit him hard, or a new revelation surfaced as we picked away at detail, and he would need weeks of recovery...

Mike suffered a series of several heart attacks and strokes from 2012 onwards, and was the reason for his getting in touch...he didn't believe he would live much longer, and after 20 years since the download or more, he hoped to find someone who would listen...and I did.

After the book, I have produced a 5+ minute trailer of a nearly 2 hour documentary that i have put together from our interviews and field trips to the major locations of his life changing events...

I hope that in the coming year, we will have someone who will give the documentary an airing rather than it languish in social mediaville, we shall see.

In the meantime, against all the odds, Mike is still with us as of December 2022, though he is now very disabled due to further strokes. What an amazing trooper.

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