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Most Popular Sports on the world!!!

2 years ago

The most popular sports
Throughout the world, dozens, hundreds of different sports are practiced. From tennis to soccer. From Cricket to American footbaal. From artistic gymnastics to high jump. But what are the most popular sports in the world? And how has the popularity of these sports evolved?
In the video made by our Statistics and Data channel you can see this trend. In 2020 the most popular sport in the world is soccer. With more than 4 billion worldwide this sport is in fact the most loved by players and players around the globe. Following Cricket, the most practiced sport in India, and then Hockey, which in America and northern countries is usually very popular. The data of 1930 is different. According to different estimates during the third decade of 1900 the most practiced sport was Rugby with 55 million players. Soccer at that time in fact counted “only” 33 million players and was the sixth most famous sport in the world.


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