The Bullied Bosnian Kid Who Bought The Bugatti Company

2 years ago

What comes to mind when you think about the very first automobile ever made? Perhaps a vehicle propelled by Fred Flintstone's feet, constructed with tree branches and stone wheels, or a cute tiny buggy with thin gigantic tires pulled by a man in a top hat. The early autos were actually powered by electricity and steam. But you might be shocked to discover that the concept of electric cars isn't a brand-new idea.

As a matter of fact, you might be quite familiar with super-expensive automobiles like the Bugatti, Tesla, and the likes. But you most likely don't know anything about Rimac. The fact that he created an electric car in 2011 is still very surprising. It was until recently when a German, a French, and a Croatian corporation entered into a business conference on Wheelhouse, that the Bugatti Rimac was born.

In July, Rimac and Porsche revealed that they would start co-owning Bugatti in the fourth quarter of 2021. Volkswagen, which presently owns both Porsche and Bugatti, will give Porsche control of 45% of the company's shares. The remaining 55% of the newly formed Bugatti Rimac corporation will be under Rimac's management.

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