Lee Cox - 20 Years After the Wire

1 year ago

Lee E Cox joins Pete A Turner on the Break It Down Show. Lee is best known for playing a recurring role on the hit series The Wire. Beyond that Lee has worked with Chris Rock, the legend John Watters and Idris Elba. In 2021 Lee appeared in a short called Marble Head and in 2022 he's appearing in the recently released series Snap.

Lee E. Cox, a Baltimore, Md., native, played his life changing role as Officer Aaron Castor on seasons three, four and five of HBO’s critically acclaimed drama series “The Wire”. June of this year recognized the widely successful drama series 20th Anniversary. The Wire pulled back the curtains on Baltimore’s illegal practices and revealed the corruption, policing and politicking going on in Charm City; loosely nicknamed. “Til this day, no matter what state or country I travel to everybody ask the same question. Is Baltimore really like that? I tell em’ it’s worse.” says Lee.

Lee is known for his work on The Wire, but he’s had success on other shows as well such as Chris Rock’s, Head of the State, A Dirty Shame and most recently Snap, slated to air on December 2022 on AMC.

Lee wears many hats. He holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, he's a certified instructor in Wing Chun Kung Fu and has an extensive background in boxing. He's also a single parent raising his beautiful 12 year old daughter. The love for the craft and being able to provide for his family is the driving force behind his passion. Lee E. Cox, one to look out for.

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