Fan Fiction Discussions: Invasion From Another Dimension!

2 years ago

Continuing out Fan Fiction discussion, continuing the Monsterverse our own way, Ingrid & I decided to bring in some new threats! Some from NOT space but other dimensions!

We decided to use the Cryog from Godzilla: Rulers of Earth as the main threat. They come from another dimension here and, thousands of years ago, fought the Atlanteans but lost and send back home. But with Atlantis long gone, they've decided to make another go!

They have a two step process. They send both a Probe and...LEGION! The Probe is designed to gather creatures to make a giant monster to wipe out all life on earth, and Legion would terraform the planet to suit the Cryog's needs.

The probe is naturally taken from the unmade Godzilla 94 movie and it was just too good not to use!

Godzilla and Kong deal with the probe, and Gamera and Angirus deal with Legion!

We also bring in a space girl named Freena from the Dark Horse Gamera comics who warns of a huge space threat approaching! But what can it be? Well we'll tell you next time!

#Godzilla #Gamera #KingKong

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