WEF cities: An obviously above-the-nation-state agenda to make cities grow together - UK Column News

2 years ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-19th-december-2022
- Clip—WEF: We are entering the era of the megalopolis—one of which spans the coast of five West African countries and is forecast to become a half-a-billion conurbation
Mark Anderson analysis: The WEF's West African case study exemplifies its disregard for national sovereignty; any apparent local government will be optical only, or "glocalism"
- Chicago Council on Global Affairs (formerly Chicago CFR): Participatory Governance in Local Care Programs
Mark Anderson analysis: Branding the global cities and making their participatory governance more central to politics by portraying urban dwellers as the downtrodden of the earth in Covid response
“Although both cases [Bogotá and Chicago] are situated within the context of Covid–19, their policy implications and impact on the community extend beyond the pandemic”
Participatory Governance in Local Care Programs (Chicago Council on Global Affairs)
"Care blocks" (manzanas del cuidado) the latest Colombian wheeze to contain people within their assigned neighbourhood

- Another Chicago Council on Global Affairs paper—Transatlantic Learning Exchange: Economic Renewal and Democracy
Mark Anderson commentary: This project is sponsored by the European Commission and expressly aims to "blunt" wrongthink by "economic renewal in industrial heartland regions", bringing together transnationally the metro mayors beloved of the globalist apparatus
- Global Affairs (Council on Foreign Relations' house journal)—Transforming Industrial Regions of North America and Europe: Opportunity and Imperative
Mark Anderson commentary: A frank admission here that "we" are "very worried about politics" because of "anti-democratic" trends and "the [wrong] kinds of politicians and parties [being] voted for", with specific reference to national immigration policy
- The CFR's bogeymen named in the above-linked article:
“populist messages of nativism, nationalism, isolationism, and economic nostalgia”
- Mark Anderson analysis: All this is being written off as reactionary anger, as if populism were not a distinct, decades-old political philosophy with its own nuances regarding regulation and financial policy
- EU Committee of the Regions: Industrial Transition and Democracy
Mark Anderson commentary: Mayors, US congressmen and think tank wonks collaborate to bring about such policies in Europe
- And Finally—Tony Blair Institute for Global Change's slogan: Equipping leaders and making change

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