December 20, 2022 - Luke 1:76-78 // Verse of the Day

1 year ago

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[Zechariah prophesied concerning John,] "You, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God."
—Luke 1:76-78

- Thoughts on Today's Verse

Where does salvation come from? Does it come from our sense that something is desperately wrong and we need to change and make it better? Does it come from casting things in a more positive light so we don't become discouraged and quit? Does it come from a lucky break? Does it come because we are scrupulously righteous and deserve it come our way? Does it come from rigorously obeying everything in the law? No! Salvation and forgiveness come from one source, "the tender mercy of our God.

- The Prayer

I confess, Father, that at times I've tried to earn my salvation. At other times, I have taken it for granted and trampled on your mercy and grace. Today, Father, I want to live for you: not to be saved or gain salvation, but to please you and reflect your character and nature. Your mercy and grace have redeemed me from the worthless way of living that I see so many trapped in all about me. Thank you for your salvation, but please help me to live in a way that shows the joy of that salvation in all I say, think and do. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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