USA: Stratospheric military spending just went ionospheric as JFK truth drips out - UK Column News

1 year ago

- New York Times: House Passes $858 Billion Defense Bill Repealing Vaccine Mandate for Troops
Mark Anderson commentary: The Senate is voting on the same annual military supply bill (NDAA), which encompasses the Pentagon's European Deterrence Initiative and Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative as well as supply chain reinforcement and "temporary" waivers to benefit arms manufacturers for Ukraine's sake
Brian Gerrish commentary: Bear in mind that this US taxpayer money is for setting up arms production, as America has little more to give Ukraine as things stand
- 21st Century Wire—Revealed: The CIA’s Direct Involvement in the Assassination of JFK
Patrick Henningsen analysis: Not real transparency; the US Government still wants to take five months to expurgate embarrassments from its document releases
- Fox News's Tucker Carlson questions whether the CIA had a role in JFK's death, citing an expert who has seen the unredacted document releases and pointing out that former CIA director Mike Pompeo had no comment even though he is a regular guest of Tucker Carlson's
- Washington Post: New Kennedy assassination documents (2017)—"Pompeo has been lobbying the President furiously not to release these documents" because they incriminate the CIA
Patrick Henningsen commentary: Even though Pompeo was only in post at Langley for a few months, his payback is excellent and he is in the running for the presidency in 2024—not to win, mind you, but to increase his brand cachet in order to force Trump or DeSantis to put him on the ticket as Vice-Presidential nominee

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