How to Prophetic Dream Rapture 35 Future years on Jacobs Rock Part 1 * GC10P1

1 year ago

Meet Jesus bottom of page, just scroll down till you find it.
Jacob's Dream (his head laid on the rock pillow; your mind/spirit + ChristJesus = portal, stairway, elevator to God's Throne. Pour Oil? ie Receive the Holy Ghost)
Gen 28:16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.
(John 1:9 ~and I knew it not.)

Gen 28:16 Jacob woke up from his sleep. He said, "GOD is in this place—truly. And I didn't even know it!"
Gen 28:17 He was terrified. He whispered in awe, "Incredible. Wonderful. Holy. This is God's House. This is the Gate of Heaven."
Gen 28:18 Jacob was up first thing in the morning. He took the stone he had used for his pillow and stood it up as a memorial pillar and poured oil over it.
Gen 28:19 He christened the place Bethel (God's House). The name of the town had been Luz until then. (my notes: Luz means GROWING)
........................ same for you as ....................

Joh 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. (my note: God continues, all the time, lights up EVERY man/woman ~ God is the ADVANCEMENT of MANKIND.)


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