SNAKES ALIVE: Ex-Marine Snake Breeder Helps Snakes Hatch Safely

2 years ago

Keary Molinaro has a passion for snakes that he likes to share with others after keeping and breeding them at his Molinaro Snake lab.

Speaking to Newsflash, he said: "I keep and breed multiple species of snakes and sell them as pets. Due to their docile nature and easy care the majority of the species I breed make fun and fascinating pets. In addition to breeding I share my knowledge and breeding experiences through daily fun and educational videos on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

"I am originally from Pennsylvania where my love for snakes started. My older brother (Todd Molinaro) has been into heavy metal and hard rock his entire life. So I grew up influenced by bands he listened to like Alice Cooper, Guns N Roses and others."

Keary, who now lives in El Paso, Texas, and added: "I always found it so cool to see Alice or Slash with their pet snakes.

"Additionally, I could remember watching WWE superstar Jake “the Snake” Roberts scare his opponents with large pythons or cobras. As a kid I would also find it exciting to spot a snake in the wild while I was out playing in the yard or in the woods."

He went on: "I’m not sure what it was about snakes, but I knew I would like to have one as a pet. I wanted one but my parents said absolutely not! They did allow me to have a turtle, lizards, and some other small pets but they didn’t peak my interest like snakes did. As I got into my teen years, I started watching Steve Irwin, Jeff Corwin, and Jack Hanna who further developed my interest in snakes.

"After graduating Highschool and still living at home I decided to go against my parents’ rules. My room was in the attic, so my parents only went up there occasionally to clean, fix something, ect…. I figured I could get away with keeping a pet snake for a while before being caught and then it would be easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

"So I went to a local reptile shop and I brought my first snake home. It was a ball python and I named him Loki. Snakes can be addicting, so it wasn’t long (maybe 2 weeks) before I purchased Milo a Columbian Red Tail Boa and suck him in as well.

"After maybe a week my mother saw what I was keeping. She was mad and vowed to never enter my room again and as far as I could remember she never did until I gave the snakes up."

He said that after completing college, he joined the United States Marine Corps and added: "I knew I would be moving a lot, so I ended up giving Loki and Milo to a local reptile rescue.

"After serving 9 years in the Marine Corps, I got out and settled in El Paso Texas. Now that I was in one location, I decided it was time to get a snake again. Like before, one turned into 2 which turned into a room full of snakes. Which led to the beginning of the Molinaro Snake Lab."

He went on: "I have a one stall garage attached to my house which I converted into the Molinaro Snake Lab. This is where I film the majority of my videos and keep all of my snakes."

Keary has a lot more snakes, which originally scared his mother, but he was not sure of the exact number.

He said: "As a breeder I have snakes being born and snakes being sold throughout the year. I typically keep anywhere between 60 and 100. Where I am currently at in my business/life, when I get over 100 snakes it becomes a lot of work! I do all the cleaning, feeding, video making, etc… myself so when I have more than 100 snakes, I have a hard time dedicating the proper amount of time and attention to each snake.

"They only have me to depend on keeping them happy and healthy so I ensure that I keep my collection to a manageable level.

"The clutch that I had to cut open the egg all turned out really healthy. They all started eating about 2 weeks after hatching (that’s pretty normal) and now they are with their new families all over the United States! I held back one snake from the clutch to keep for myself and use as a breeder in the future. So I will grow her up and in about 2 to 3 years she will be ready to breed for me.

"My goal for the Molinaro Snake lab is to get people interested and excited about snakes. My hope is to turn some non-snake people into snake people or at least gain an appreciation for them! I feel if I can get them excited maybe they will pay attention to them not only in captivity but also in the wild.

"In order to thrive all animals need unspoiled natural places with access to food, water and shelter. Everyday humans develop, pollute, and alter land that destroys natural habitats causing many species to go extinct. The more people we can get excited about animals, the better chance we have to preserve and protect them!

"Every day I come up with new ideas for videos, breeding projects, and ways to grow the Molinaro Snake Lab and spread snake love! My next big venture is releasing the first Molinaro Snake Lab children’s book. We are planning for the spring 2023 book release!"

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