Only One Side | Predestination

2 years ago

The stronger our identification with a group and the greater our reluctance to utilize and have faith in "I Am," the greater the influence of and the more numerous our enemies become.

All groups are ultimately working toward the greater harmony, and collectively are fulfilling the work of "I Am."

We only see a conflict when we are not individually focused on "I Am."

One side, the side which is closest to their "I Am," is having their goals realized indirectly at the expense of the goals of all other sides.

It is the success of the losers that yields their downfall.

And continuous success from the perspective of "I Am" recognizes that the means to success are not those necessarily defined by the intellect.

All behavior and policy can be propagated our past proximal results and in the ultimate conclusions to consistent incorrect activity, we see that all outcomes result towards perpetuating the current and established structure of the universe.

Nothing changes externally, although there are a transfer between roles.

But the roles are always the same.

All efforts to thwart progress and change are as futile as the effort to change and create progress in society.

Every individual is going on his or her own journey and the reality that he or she experiences reflects his or her own perspective at that time and place.

But like a change in a radio station, all states and all circumstances are cohabiting and coexistent.

We either forgo our own personal growth and development by attempting to influence the external world, or we leave the external world as it is, as it has been, and as it always will be, and pursue our own journeys back to "I Am."

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