society has faith in portable interactive tv*technology cultivates FOMO

2 years ago

i knew what they were doin, we're just wise like that
the Bible way to Heaven
whatever, they mean well
we do love Romans, i just agree with this pamphlet
Romans is the best book in the New Testament
i hate these regimented prayers so much, it is somewhat painful to recite the Orthodox ones, but they are by far the most tolerable
blah blah blah BLAH!!!
i'd get sumin outta this church if i intended tho i know i would
there's a better way to worship okay
mixed feelings about everything
traditional element w.out all the authoritarian stuff
i dig the way they work for God
goin door to door leavin Bible msgs...
that was a fun little experiment
i still have a buncha those signs left over
yes this happened, look back on this channel and i have a few videos doing this
ratchet Crosses outta popsicle sticks with the Jesus Prayer
jokes for Jesus, coming up yawl
Salvation only comes from Jesus
i can't accomplish things on my own
if you try and most likely fail don't beat yourself up (double win for the devil)
no fuck you satan imma try again
not gonna let any swear words get in the way
i'll show you the poster again in color
this does look cool in the b&w tho
i like this msg and maybe i'm devoting it to myself in a way
most people in the entertainment industry do it for their ego and/or social status
we're not into the vain glory i guess
just doin it and putting it out there is kind of a big enough deal for me
anytime i receive internet hate...
i welcome criticism, it's great for personal growth
mass consumers vs. artists
prayer as birth control
can't save the world if i were a mommy
sex??? i can barely stand myself
such a flawed society, procreation is so strange to me
people always seem to be in the midst of an existential crisis
...but Christ is in our midst!
having kids all cos you got pregnant is also wrong
this actually looks way better in the b&w
the gloom&doom i feel in relation to smartphones
i left that section blank for a reason
materialism, political events, life is totally immersed in all of that and then some
validating shitty ass opinions on everything
tv/phones/computers encourage FOMO
your opinions, accomplishments, existence ain't valid unless it's on the internet
petty drama @ the restaurant where i work that i don't care about and my coworkers get mad at me cos i see the utter pointlessness of it
it's entertaining for like a min, esp cos it's not positive or spiritual
working in the restaurant industry taught me so much about how the world works and the many flaws of human behavior
none of this stuff will stop by complaining about it
before you were pissed off, now you're even more pissed off
make fun of it and also transcend into another reality...
...the battery finally died

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