Viking Yule Winter Solstice, Odin & the Wild Hunt, Occult Saturnalia, Janus New Year, or Christmas Advent

2 years ago

(Introduction) Wondering ? about Christmas / Advent, or the Winter Solstice ? and/or Yule & their origins, or have they lost their charm ? if so, then this is the film for you considering all views (to rediscover the beauty and magic of the winter time) Featuring Lana Lokteff (Red Ice) and Caryl Matrisciana (film producer & narrator) and others.Content includes typical Viking life and Odin and Odin's Genealogy, and what is the Wild Hunt of Yule and the Yule Log. Santa Claus and Krampas, or Knecht Ruprecht, who were they ? and the Yule Reindeer / Goat. The Holly and Mistletoe and their sexually inferences. Thor's chariot Sleigh riding through the night. The Elves and Ice Maidens. Freya and Frey. Christmas tree origins and World Tree Yggdrasil (Ash Tree) Saturnalia and its secret occult origins. The 12 days of Christmas and its origins.Sun God or Messiah who was born when ? Nimrod and Osiris. Janus the double headed Roman god of New Year. The Winter Solstice. with music and sounds of the Viking Horn and Shofars, and music from Greg Lake (see below also) and Carl Orff & O Fortuna 'Carmin Burana' and much more.

It is far batter than watching the film White Christmas with Bing Crosby or the Wizard of Oz whilst consuming large quantities of bland processed, chemically injected Turkey or Ham, bloating out with pale yellow water beer, brain dead in front of the sanatised and brainwashing Goggle Box wearing a cheap and pointless paper hat., instead rediscover Viking, Celtic, Scandinavian and European truths of this season and reality. Hanukkah is in reality the last great day (the 8th day) of the feast of Sukkot of the 3 Hebrew Autumn feasts (Sep/Oct) dating from 1400bc (Leviticus 23) but with the celebration of the Maccabees Hammer victory against the Romans extending it into December, bringing them together. Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), the king of Syria, captured Jerusalem in 167 BC and desecrated the Temple by offering the sacrifice of a pig on an altar to Zeus. The temple was rededicated after this abomination in 167bc and so it will be again by Messiah just prior and into the millennium in (this time) the millennium Temple & 1000 year reign. However they are now 2 separate items, 1 in sep/oct the other in December known as Chanukkah.The film tries in a short a time as possible to consider all views no matter how pointlessly politicised, pedantic or irritating (as Christmas is celebrated around the world but without knowing really what it is ?)

Carl Orff ( Verizon Hall, The Kimmel Center, April 1, 2016 ) O Fortuna Carmin Burana
Sofia Jannok - Irene (Official Video)
Greg Lake - I Believe In Father Christmas (Official 4K Video)
Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen | Das Rheingold (MET 1990)

In the Eye of the Ring | Wagner's Ring Cycle

Messiahs birth date calculated & known. Born in Bethlehem in the Autumn feasts not at 'Christmas'

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