Gwyn's Notes - December 20, 2022

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Talking about current events.

Twitter Files

Talked about Parts 1-5 last week.

Part 6:

Part 7:

‘Twitter, The FBI Subsidiary’: ‘Twitter Files’ 6 & 7 Expose FBI’s Role in Censorship

December 16, 2022: New Twitter Files Show FBI Flagging Accounts for Company to Target


A Global Proclamation from Doctors Around the World

We, the citizens of the world, loyal to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, have come together here in Austria to proclaim the following:

1. That each human life is sacred, invaluable and should be both respected and honored

2. Our children are our most valuable treasure, and their childhood and future should be protected by providing safe haven, education, arts and other resources to guarantee they will flourish in any endeavor they may choose

3. Our children are also our future, and must be cherished and protected. They should not be used as battlefield objects for cultural warfare.

4. We need to protect the most vulnerable in our society by supporting wellness and respecting human dignity.

5. Public debate is profoundly important. It is unacceptable for public health professionals, officials or governments to censor, silence or intimidate the public, doctors, medical professionals or journalists.

6. Trust cannot be enforced. Public health recommendations should present facts as the basis for guidance, and never employ fear or shame to manipulate or force people.

7. Trust in public health must be earned not assumed. Integrity and transparency are essential.

8. Freedom of assembly and speech are fundamental human rights. Disrespecting these rights is an affront to human dignity.

9. Use of psychological operations and mandate strategies and tactics to coerce and compel acceptance of medical products and procedures is a fundamental breach of well-established medical ethics.

10. Our bodies, our families, our choice. No medical mandates.

During this season of hope and renewal, we stand here in support of good will, family and shared community. We are all connected with these universal truths; the importance of human dignity, integrity, personal sovereignty, and the fundamental rights to assemble, speak freely, and to protect future generations.

Malone’s book “Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming” is available free via Kindle download, this week only. Merry Christmas.

Children’s Health Defense:


‘Lies My Government Told Me’: Malone’s New Book on Tyranny and How to Escape It

COVID Lockdowns Altered Kids’ Gut Microbiomes — Here’s Why That’s a Problem

RFK, Jr.: Ed Dowd’s New Book Proves an Undeniable and Urgent Reality

FDA Study: COVID Vaccine Linked to Blood Clotting in Elderly

Dec 13: Why the ‘Great Reset’ Is a Power Grab of Unprecedented Magnitude

Covid, Climate, Digital Currency; All Mechanisms to Control Your Life by Tom Renz, Esq. | Dec 13, 2022

Aaron Kheriaty:

They think you are stupid. (people who skipped their COVID vaccines are at higher risk of traffic accidents, according to new study)

NEOM | What is THE LINE?

Cashless Future Convenience or Captivity?

We call on the Biden Administration cease its pursuit of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and write to alert Congress that its power regarding the coining and regulation of money is being quietly stolen, to the great peril of our citizenry and way of life.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution specifically grants Congress the power "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures"

Yet, President Biden, through Executive Order 14067, and the Fed are trying to circumvent this power to issue a CBDC version of the US Dollar without providing Congress the opportunity to perform oversight and to ensure the natural and civil rights of Americans are protected. This CBDC is potentially “programmable,” meaning it could be programmed only to allow us to buy certain things at certain times – or even shut off entirely, leaving us with no access to our own funds.

The CBDC is especially dangerous to our freedom when combined with a mandatory digital ID, such as a vaccine passport, smart health card, or digital driver’s license – as has been urged at a recent meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the G20. Any mandatory digital ID can be used as a tool of mass surveillance and totalitarian control, as they currently are under China’s Social Credit System. Those who disagree with the prevailing government narrative can find themselves cut off from their credit cards and bank accounts. This recently happened to Canadian truckers and their donors.

We urge President Biden to withdraw EO 14067 and to end the march to turn our money into a mechanism of perpetual captivity.

For More Information


Tim Canova: Supreme Court Considers Case Seeking to Overturn 2020 Presidential Election

"The case of Brunson v. Adams, not even reported in the mainstream media, was filed pro se by ordinary American citizens – four brothers from Utah — seeking the removal of President Biden and Vice President Harris, along with 291 U.S. Representatives and 94 U.S. Senators who voted to certify the Electors to the Electoral College on January 6, 2021 without first investigating serious allegations of election fraud in half a dozen states and foreign election interference and breach of national security in the 2020 Presidential Election. The outcome of such relief would presumably be to restore Donald Trump to the presidency.”

BREAKING BIG! Kari Lake WINS Right to Bring Election Fraud Case to Trial! – Judge DENIES Motion To Dismiss by Katie Hobbs – Trial to Proceed WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY

Delaware County: Greg Stenstrom’s site:

Berks County Update:

We, the petitioners along with our attorney, filed our recount appeals to the Commonwealth Court yesterday! We likely won't get any updates until after Christmas.

Predicting Pandemics:
Kim Dotcom: “Watch this and have your mind blown. Whoever wrote the script for this episode of X-Files has to be a time traveler or a senior deep state operative who revealed the entire plan just for giggles”

Predicting 9/11 in advance:

Predicting COVID and HCQ as a cure:

Smart Cities 9/11 connection:

CrossRoads with Joshua Phillips:

2022-12-13 ‘Smart City’ Surveillance Program to Start in Netherlands; Human Factory Farm Concept Plans to Grow Babies:

The Shadow State

The Final War: The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America

“Catastrophic Contagion”

Here We Go! Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, & the WHO Just Simulated Another Pandemic

DeSantis COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Accountability Roundtable

Australian Cardiologist Calls to Halt mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Citing Heart Damage

FOIA'd Contracts Show CDC Expected up to 1,000 VAERS Reports per Day for COVID Vaccines

Steve Kirsch Vaccine Resources:

Full Speech-British MP Calls for Immediate Suspension of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines

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