My Life Update May 2022 (C***D-19, Boring Work, Useless Politicians, Awful Weather)

2 years ago

A little bit of a misanthropic rant (what’s new?) about my life over the last couple of months. C***d-19, unpleasant holidays, boring work, a bad new-car experience, infuriating politics, and f***ing awful weather. Could life be any worse? Probably.

Psychology Books:

My 80-year-old mother was diagnosed with c***d, and so were 19 other residents in her facility (which is almost all of them). 16 of the fully-va******ted staff also tested positive. Don’t worry, everyone is fine. My Mum was pretty much asymptomatic except for a bit of a croaky voice. Obviously, the facility went into lockdown for weeks, but I was able to speak to my Mum pretty much everyday over the phone. She felt fine. She didn’t suffer any bad symptoms whatsoever. It should be noted that my Mum is not va******ed. If you knew my Mum, this wouldn’t surprise you. All my life she has refused medical treatment of various sorts. For decades she has refused blood-pressure medication, despite every doctor telling her that she needs to take it. Anyway, she’s 80-years-old now, so she’s done very well. I certainly respect her decisions. She has always been into alternative medicine, things like North American Indian shamanism and so on, and she’s lived a full life. I took her for a walk recently for Mother’s day with her grandchildren, and she’s feeling A-OK.

We booked in a holiday weeks ago with some local Chinese friends to go to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland. But, unsurprisingly, it wasn’t sunny. It was cold and wet. Unfortunately, we had bought non-refundable tickets to save a few bucks, so we ended up going. There was a pool at the hotel which they assured us was heated, but unsurprisingly, the heat pump was broken. We had eight children with us who were all eager to go swimming, and as the Chinese adults didn’t want to hop in the pool (they were all dressed in Winter clothing), it was me who had to get in to look after the children. Yes, it was freezing. The air temperature was 17°C. I figured if those celebrities in SAS can throw themselves in cold water, I certainly could.

Work has been a nightmare. I don’t like my job, but I continue to do it because I can work from home and it suits my lifestyle. The university are doing everything in their power to get people to voluntarily leave. Things like multiple rounds of voluntary redundancies and early retirements. Anyway, I still have a job despite me having had a fight with them about payments and salary. I won’t bore you with the details. Trust me, it was incredibly boring. But I’ve found that throughout my life, I’ve never much enjoyed work. At least with this job, I don’t have to deal with office politics as I’m never in the office.

You’d think buying a new car would be a fun thing. No, it was a complete nightmare. I was happy to keep our 10-year-old little manual Mitsubishi Mirage, but my wife insisted on buying a new Toyota. Anyway, we bought this new car in January. It was meant to come in February, but it kept getting delayed and delayed, and now we have it in May. I’m sick of dealing with car salesmen with all their lies and excuses. Anyway, I’ve had no joy whatsoever throughout the entire experience and I hope never to buy a new car again.

I’ve realised now that I hate politics. The Australian Government in my opinion, doesn’t do anything to help the common man. They’re just self-interested and self-serving and have made my life over the last couple of years a nightmare. Not just because of their useless pandemic policies that have only served to divide Australia, but also their complete disregard for things that actually matter to average people – house prices and rents. They’ve done nothing to help the average Australian afford their own home, but yet they pretend that they have. They are all liars and cheats, and so the only thing I can do in this upcoming election is to vote the two major parties, Labor and Liberals, last. I will put any minor party ahead of the majors. Sure, this will probably achieve nothing. But that’s the stupid democracy that we live in. Pretending that we have some sort of control over all of this.

The weather has been f***ing awful. The entire state is covered with cloud and has been for weeks. There’s only a few things that I like to do in my life now: Green tea, exercise, fasting, spending time with my children, and sunshine. Unfortunately, the last one, I don’t have much say over anymore. Unfortunately, this weather, this government, and my employer, are all p***ing me off at the moment. Hopefully, there are brighter days ahead, and I mean that literally, as well as figuratively.

Melancholia by Godmode

#lifelessons #lifegoeson #stayingstrong #rant

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