Personal Word - Clean your home

2 years ago

Dear Weeping Bride,

Clean your home.

In the United States today the occult has become much more popular than it was twenty years ago. Today, there is popular Satanic music, Satanic street gangs, an increase in Satanic worship, a more widespread use of the horoscope and study of the signs of the zodiac, and Satanic games that can be purchased. In spite of this, many people do not take the occult seriously. They laugh off the notion of the Power of Evil as actually being a part of the "real" world in which we live. Evil is being normalised.

STEPS to freedom

Break soul ties in Jesus name
Destroy items
Anoint your home
Tell any demonic activity to go in Jesus name


1. Items from all other religions
Catholics - rosary, pictures, statues, papal worship, hail Mary etc
Chinese symbols
Hindu gods
Freemasonry items
New Age and new age books

2. All other religions texts
The Quran
Esoteric texts
Jehovahs witness items
Latter day Saints
All splinter groups of Christianity
All cults

3. Idols, posters, statues, super heros, african masks, gods

4. Symbols of the occult - dragons, serpents, pentagrams, star of David, Freemasonry

5. Witchcraft items
Ouija board, tarrot cards, horoscopes

6. TV
Reality TV adopting the culture of Babylon
NETFLIX all horrors or anything antichrist

7. Movies especially horrors with demons, vampires, witchcraft, blasphemy, cults, super heroes glorification, pornography, cursing, some cartoons, star wars, lord of the rings etc

8. Videos games
Especially with a dark theme

9. All books, music, literature from the occult

10. Pornography, unnatural sex, adultery, fornication, soul ties, prostitution, filthy magazine, masturbation

11. Cultural curios from travelling to foreign countries that worship pagan gods for example Mexico, Native American, dream catchers, drums

12. Babylonian culture - certain clothing and jewellery that does not edify God

13. Tattoos and piercings (pray about tattoos and anoint your body)

14. Sloth, lust, greed, anger, blasphemy, murder covering

15. Symbols - anarchy, satanism, eye of Horus, evil eye, all seeing eye

16. Music - heavy metal, rock music, many modern artists (Beyonce etc)

17. Homosexuality over feminisation of males, over emasculation of females, dominant female in the home, yielding male, cross dressing, transexuals, anal sex , participating in PRIDE

18. Mediums seances fortune telling palm reading horoscope zodiac

19. Crystal ball, table tipping, levitation

20. Automatic handwriting, diving, water witching,

21. ESP psychokinesis, telepathy palm reading tea leaf reading, spider

22. Black mass, satan worship, multiple curses, Jezebel, Ahab, Clairvoyance, psychic power, second sight hypnosis death by hypnosis self hypnosis

23. Remote influence of subconscious mind , auras, metaphysics mental science self realisation, visions, trances, new age, superstitions.

24. Witchcraft, black magic, white magic, ruler, baptism into witchcraft good luck charms, burning sage, pagan worship, Wicca

25. Handwriting analysis, evil eye. Black arts luv knot devils foot, Indian Kachina , conjuration, occult symbols, charmer serpent omens

26. Halloween, black Sabbaths, ancient druidic ceremonies, cultural ceremonies, witch doctors initiations of any kind

27. Fetishes, amulets, mascots, medals, ankh, birth stones, spells, incantations, potions, soccer, curses,

28. Apparitions, ghosts, poltergeists, magic, healing through burn charming, powwow, Kabala, Voodoo, pass the fire, rebellion stubbornness yoga hearing things

29. Psychic portraits, macabre phrenology numerology spiritism metaphysic healing Christian Science iridology

30 acupuncture yin yang pendulums astrology star gazing anything to predict the future

31. Karate, martial arts third eye great seal prognostication

32. All religions strange dogmas doctrines of devils

33. Anything from the marine kingdom - mermaids toys or movies etc

34. Blood sacrifices

35. SRA

Shabbat Shalom

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