Dr. Tess Lawrie - Restoring health following chronic illness

1 year ago

Dec 18, 2022
Source: www.drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/restoring-health-following-chronic?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=773468&post_id=91052859&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

Dr Sarah Myhill is a Naturopathic Physician who specialises in helping people recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and M.E. (myalgia encephalitis). She is seeing many such cases now, since both Covid and the novel Covid injections trigger a Long Covid/ME type of disease.

Dr Myhill sees her role as a doctor to be helping people to heal themselves. This makes sense, and yet her approach has repeatedly prompted investigations from the General Medical Council. We are in such upside-down times now, that one can almost consider a GMC investigation a badge of honour. Dr Myhill was investigated so many times that she got fed up, deregistered with the GMC and joined the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners so she could get on and treat her patients in the best way, without interference. As she puts it in our conversation, the current score in terms of being investigated is ‘Myhill 38, GMC nil’.

She has a brilliant, inquisitive mind and a compassionate heart, and this shines through in our conversation. A few highlights from the many points she makes:

The standard of care in third world countries is far higher – she explains why

Instead of leading the way toward health, doctors are leading the way to an epidemic of chronic disease

There are two common threads in disease processes – and she explains each one in a way anyone can understand

Diet may be the most difficult thing to do to cure oneself from chronic disease, but it’s the most important

Sugar and carbs are really problematic – and her reasoning is enough to inspire one to ditch or reduce these foods immediately

We have evolved to eat a paleo-ketogenic diet. She explains what that looks like, and we also discuss how vegetarians can achieve this

There’s a difference between normal and pathological fatigue – and a quick-fire way to up energy levels

Ivermectin is a potential treatment for chronic fatigue

Health is really all about the gut and microbiome. If you’ve ever wondered why and how, Sarah gives one of the clearest, most informed explanations I’ve ever heard

Besides diet, other therapies that can also help are far infrared, and Sarah names two micronutrients as top of her list: Vitamin C (5g per day), and Lugol’s iodine, 15% (3 drops last thing at night).

She finishes with a fascinating insight into ‘exclusion zone water’, the state of water when it’s in the body. Put simply, it’s all about electrical charge – an area that medicine really has ignored for too long. This part of the conversation was so intriguing, I’ve already invited her to come back so we can explore this further.

This is just a summary list and in no way comprehensive. So please do watch our conversation – it is rich with information that can empower all of us to find our way toward greater energy, mental sharpness, and general well-being. I hope you enjoy it!

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