Wealth is Trust | Predestination

2 years ago

All prosperity is fundamentally based on Trust.

Resources, connections and even competence do not matter as much to a person’s success as the consistency and faith people have to his or her Word.

Any sustained faith to the humblest and smallest of things easily blossoms over time to faith over greater and greater things.

Having an abundance in the beginning is meaningless without Faith, as corruption easily wastes any amount of resources.

And a lack of Trust hinders any acquisition of additional resources.

Even the most skilled, intelligence and dedicated efforts are in vain if there is no Trust among the greater community, and if other individuals cannot put Faith into his or her future activity.

A person that is wealthy is a person that other’s have great Trust in doing business with.

He or she fulfills his obligations, whatever they may be.

And does not make obligations he or she cannot keep.

A family that is wealthy is one that the community trusts over time and through successive generations.

A country that is wealthy is one that other nations and individuals can trust to exchange and protect resources and conduct business with in the future.

Wealth is always a direct outcome of Trust, as time averages out all resources, in the beginning and that are acquired.

And Trust is the direct outcome of Faith at the personal level, in each individuals’ “I Am.”

This is why we can look to wealth as a moral indicator, and representation of correct behavior and belief in “I Am” regardless of what religion or ideology is wrapped around the faith.

And this creates a self-fulfilling cycle; wealth and trust begets more wealth and trust, and poverty and mistrust creates more poverty and mistrust.

However, in both cases the cycles is easily broken y any individual.

Doubt in “I Am” spreads into destruction of reputation.

And a reacquisition of faith in one’s “I Am” can restore Trust in the individual or group that finds God.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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