"Hallelujah! The King is Coming", (Jeremiah 23:1-8), 2022-12-18, Longbranch Community Church

1 year ago

In this passage (Jer 23:1-8) God makes a promise. This passage is not only about what God foretold back in the corrupt and dusty days of rotten kings, (…600 years before Christ’s birth) but also about what he will do for us today. The promise was to raise up a new king: a Good Shepherd - and his name shall be ”The Lord OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS”. And then 600 years later, out of a branch of the Davidic line, Jesus was indeed born.

It is critically important to understand that Jeremiah’s prophecy actually foretold a two-stage event. Just as Jesus’ birth transformed life as they knew it then, …in Jesus’ second coming, life as we know it will again be equally transformed. We can base our confidence today in his 2nd coming on the historical reality of his first.

Have you received the gift of salvation? Are you ready?? What an amazing message Pastor John delivered today. Additionally, following church, our family enjoyed a fun filled and laughter-laden Bake Sale/Auction – we hope you enjoy the video.

*For those in a hurry, the message begins at 35min/38seconds and the Bake Sale Auction starts at 1hr/26min/45secs.

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