Deep Sleep⎮Fall Asleep Fast⎮Healing Tone →Calming Music with Delta Waves and 174 Solfeggio Frequency

2 years ago

This track contains deep relaxing sleep music and delta waves.
Fall asleep fast and heal while you dream!
This track has been made with Delta Wave Binaural Beats of 4 HZ and
Solfeggio Frequency of 174 read on to know how these help you fall asleep quickly and heal.

Are you having a hard time falling asleep? Does the anxiety of the day keep running through your mind? Then maybe binaural beats can be your guide to help you.

Do you have consistent and chronic pain? Does your body feel hurt? Do you need healing? Then the 174 Solfeggio tone is for you!

Please click the subscribe button and be blessed while you sleep.

Binaural beats have been scientifically proven to help increase alertness, or relaxation, depending on their tone. There are several ranges of Binaural beats. Binaural beats work by creating a sound in the right ear and another sound in the left ear, combined your brain creates a binaural beat. These can change the frequency of your brain wave thus creating a state of relaxation of concentration.

This track has been made with 4 HZ binaural beats, Delta Waves. Delta waves are formed in the brain during times of deep and restful sleep. Deep and restful sleep is also when your body gets the most healing done. Delta waves at 4 tones should help your brain relax and put you into a restful slumber. Listen at a low level and if you can wear headphones that works best!

Solfeggio frequencies are said to be frequencies that occur in nature and our universe and each frequency works to do something different. These tones are meant to significantly help you!

174 Solfeggio frequency is specifially meant for healing and reducing pain. So if you are experiencing any type of pain be sure to listen to this track every night when you are sleeping. Be sure to click the subscribe button for future videos that may help with other things.

According to
"Solfeggio frequencies were believed to profoundly affect the conscious and subconscious mind in order to stimulate healing and promote vitality. Thanks to Puleo’s work and the renewed interest, many scientists have since unearthed more evidence supporting the positive effects that these frequencies have on the human body."

I think you will love this track and it will help you sleep better and heal at the same time.

May you be at peace, may you be filled with love, may the angels and divine universe bless you, may you be filled with joy, Namaste.

Please subscribe to @Ministry of Relax for more great music content for sleeping, relaxing, meditating, studying, and great background music for different seasons and holidays throughout the year.

Take a look at other channels we love and be sure to click the subscribe button on those channels as well. This channel focuses on travel, history, and culture of Spain and Gibraltar, with an occasional mix of other European travel. This channel focuses on beautiful up close landings and taking off of commercial jets!

Thank you for subscribing and thank you for being you! May you be filled with love and joy!

Deep Sleep
Profound Sleep
Fall asleep fast and easy
Relieve pain
pain relief
Sleep fast
Sleep sound
Deeper sleep
Lucid Dreaming
Restful sleep


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