Everything You Need to Know to Master Sales

1 year ago

In this sales training video I’m going to share with you what I like to call the SCIENCE OF SALES and teach you how to double or triple your sales in a very short amount of time and become a master at sales very quickly.

1. Lead Generation:

The first rule of sales is not even related to sales. The first rule is massive amount of lead generation. When you think of lead generation, you need to think about generating thousands of leads at a very cost efficient way. You can do that with many different avenues. Cold calling, flyers, door knocking, online marketing, advertising, etc. The more leads you generate the more sales you’ll have.

2. Follow Up:

Follow up is overlooked by business owners and sales people. People get too busy with new leads and toss away old leads, but the reality is the average lead out there takes 13 ATTEMPTS before they convert. The average sales person maybe does one or two attempts. You can do a lot of lead generation, but if you don’t follow up, it’s all useless.

3. Listening:

People want to know that you understand their problem, and if you aren’t asking questions and listening to their answers, they won’t feel comfortable because they would feel you’re not really understanding their problem. In order to increase your sales, listen to people’s problems and offer solutions that fix their problems specifically. Never try to sell people things before asking questions to see if they need what you have to offer. Learn to ask questions and listen.

4. Confidence & Control of your Environment:

Whenever I am in a sales situation, I show I am the leader of the room by leading the sales presentation. It’s important psychologically to lead others in the room in sales situations for your prospects and leads to do what you want.

5. Expert in Your Field:

Can you confidently say to people you’re the best of the best in your industry? If not, spend more time educating yourself. You need to become an expert to compete with others in sales. Your competition is always get better, and you have to keep up and constantly learn by going to conferences, listening to your clients, and spending time understanding what’s going on in your industry.

6. Stop Making Statements and Ask Questions Instead:

When you make salesy statements, people will agree or disagree with you depending on their past experiences. Instead, ask questions such as “If you knew I can do x, would you prefer x or would you want Y?” In either case you’ll win.

7. Be the Best Version of Yourself:

Don’t try to copy others. Just be a better version of who you are. When you copy others, people can feel it and you won’t be comfortable doing what you’re doing long term. If you want to succeed in sales, be yourself!

8. Help People:

The more you’re interested in helping people, the more trust you’re going to get. People will buy your product when you’re not interested in the sale, but instead you’re interested in actually solving their problems and helping them.

9. Close:

Learn to become an expert at closing people. If you have a product that you’re proud of, you should have no hesitation closing people. Selling without closing is completely useless. You cannot help people unless you can close them. When you close them and your product is superior, you will make a difference in peoples’ lives.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AbbasMohammedRE
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abbasmohammedre/
Website: https://modelequity.com/

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