We all have a story, here's mine.

1 year ago

I haven't always been this vibrantly healthy and well-woman that I am today - so trust me when I say I've been there too.

I know what it's like to be in the darkest of places. I know what it's like to feel hopeless and powerless. I know what it's like to search for some doctor or practitioner to help you heal, only to be told "you'll just have to manage it" or "well, you look good!" or countless other ridiculous and disempowering comments.

I searched for so many years for the best support, until I realized that person didn't exist - I was that person. I was meant to create the approach to actually heal from the inside out - so I did. And I started with me.

We all have a story, here's mine.

I'd love to know - what's your why???

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