FULL EVENT: "This Is a Battle That Can Be Won": Bronx Residents Meet to Oppose Throggs Neck Upzoning

2 years ago

On May 11, 2022, members of the community gathered at Louie & Ernie's Pizza in Schuylerville to voice their opposition to a proposed mixed-use property development in neighboring Throggs Neck. The Bruckner Boulevard development would require an amendment to the current zoning of the low-density Throggs Neck section of the Bronx, which opponents say will open the door to additional upzoning and overdevelopment.

You can find documents and maps related to the Bruckner Sites Rezoning proposal here: https://zap.planning.nyc.gov/projects/2019X0305

You can learn more about the community organization opposing the upzoning project here: https://stopupzoning.com/

During the event, some people attending objected to the presence of a YIMBY (meaning "Yes In My BackYard") advocate who was shooting video. He has previously recorded events related to the upzoning and produced short, heavily edited clips that he has published on Twitter. Many community members have commented that they feel their views are misrepresented in his video clips, which you can see on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaluigiSoap

He has also used video from this channel to produce a heavily edited clip. This channel has not at any point given permission for NYC for Yourself videos to be used in this manner, and has requested that the edited clip be removed from Twitter.

This channel is devoted to reporting that provides an accurate representation of public events and speakers, and does not support the use of media to distort or misrepresent the views of people who are recorded.

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