Meanwhile: Cash is criminal, Russia is evil, innocent is guilty - UK Column News

1 year ago

- Stella Kyriakides, Cyprus' nominated European Commissioner (portfolio: Health and Food Safety), gives a lamentable response to a European Parliament question on excess mortality in connection with Covid jabs

- NRC: Dutch House of Representatives wants stricter demands [imposed] for Serbian accession to the EU in view of its close ties to Russia
Tweet by author of successful parliamentary motion in The Hague, Jeroen van Wijngaarden MP: We won't hesitate to block Serbia's EU accession if President Vučić fails to support EU sanctions on Russia
- Dutch MP Olaf Ephraim confronts Rabobank about letter telling off customers for the "risks" and "criminality" of taking out cash

- German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announces federal government intention to reverse the burden of proof in administrative law to allow it to fire civil servants on any allegation of extremism unless they can prove their political correctness
Alex Thomson commentary: Trevor Kitchen has just told UK Column how poor the rule of law is in Switzerland and the EU

- Viewer Robert Graham points out that Rishi Sunak's endorsement of Covid jabs for children may make him liable at law—and only UK Column reported Sunak's comments

- Shown on screen: Andrew Bridgen MP e-mail response to public support for his adjournment debate on Covid vaccine damage; viewer Heather's description of using UK Column reporting to educate a Member of Parliament

- Shown on screen: UK Patient Safety Commissioner Dr Henrietta Hughes' assistant''s reply to persistent viewer commits Hughes to continuing to "amplify the patient voice where appropriate", including with the MHRA

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