Something was sneakily killing my chickens! I was surprised to find out who it was!

2 years ago

I live in rural Alberta, Canada and realized something was happening to my pet chickens in February of this year, but I had no idea what! Their coop and outside area are safe, with nothing bigger than a mouse being able to get in. And yet my chickens were disappearing! I couldn't find any bodies!

I set out a humane trap in their coop, baited with raw steak, and by the next morning I found I had trapped this little guy!! A very scared and angry mink!

Once I had him caught and rehomed to a suitable environment - a wooded area near water far away from our place - I did some digging around. I found the sneaky little guy had very cleverly dragged and hidden the dead bodies of my birds in very small places in the coop. Here's hoping he never comes back!

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