Heaven Land Devotions - The Royal Throne Hearts Of Old Saints

2 years ago

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Growing old is inevitable. There is nothing anyone can do to stop it. We do not take it into account while we are young, full of energy and life. Then when we are born again, there is a double life. That is if you were born again in your youth. The new creation born again life coupled with the youthful outward life.

If you were born again as an older person, the marvelous graces of love and beauty will be bestowed upon you too.

There is so much studying, thrill and Spiritual action. This is the typical beginning of the newly born again life. However, as time goes on we begin to lose outward power. We cannot do the things we so easily did before. Our minds are not as sharp as they once were.

Veteran believers begin to feel as if they are being spiritually outsourced by the new generation. They dream of what life used to be when they were young in the faith and served the Lord with vigor.

They sit down at the end of their race. It feels like a great loss and sadness enters in. But the truth of the matter is the polar opposite. When we grow older in Christ, our outward man "that perishes," is showing us it is getting ready for heaven.

And the inward man has been "being renewed day by day" by wholly following the Lord throughout the entire life. The soul which is eternal is now overtaking the natural man (the body).

It is the full blossoming of the "lilies of the valley" releasing our sweetest aroma upwards to the Lord. We enter a new path and start growing heavenward, where there is such beauty and freedom in service of the unfading life.

"Take my will, and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal throne."
~ Frances Ridley Havergal

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