Jeremy Clarkson was making a Game of Thrones reference

1 year ago

Jeremy Clarkson was making a Game of Thrones reference. Before we start let us not forget that Jo Brand not so long ago made a acid assault joke that the left wing defended (I like Jo Brand). It shows how hypocritical the left are and have no morals or credibility. I have not seen Game on Thrones so I did not get the reference. However it is referencing the walk of shame or walk of atonement.

“She is stripped of her clothing and forced to walk completely naked from the Great Sept of Baelor to the Red Keep, escorted by members of the Faith Militant. They keep away the leering and jeering crowds who have gathered to see her shame and take the chance to insult their hated Queen Mother. As Cersei walks, Septa Unella accompanies her, repeatedly calling out “Shame!” and ringing a bell to attract people’s attention and the crowd boos and pelts her with rotten fruits and vegetables.”


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