BATTLEMODE Plays Multiplayer! Shadow Empire | Ring of Rust | Episode 038 - READ THE DESCRIPTION

1 year ago


If you're the kind of person that either isn't interested in either hearing about a technical issue with the game, or enduring a 40 year old guy while he take his frustrations out on a video game like a 12 year old, you can probably skip ahead to the next episode, when it's up, and you'll not miss anything of value.

I've been debating whether to just skip this episode or not, as it was a 35 minute episode with 20 minutes of that with me complaining about another inconsistent reaction from the Pull logistics system. I decided to put it up anyway for completeness, and the issue is still there today (I recorded an instance of it in my Ice Planet series very recently) so it's still relevant. I deleted several other episodes because nobody wants to hear the same point made over and over, but I think I was able to express the issue here a little better than normal.

This was recorded while I was pretty angry and so I say a few things here that I probably wouldn't have with a cooler head. There's nothing rude, but I was complaining about the lack of help I seem to get whenever I bring this up and when I'm pissed off I'm prone to exaggeration and ego-inflation, so I can get haughty and so this isn't me at my best ;)

What I said wasn't quite right: people DID try to help me on Matrix, the problem was that I wasn't really able to articulate the issue properly so I think there was some frustration in trying to figure out exactly what the issue was and so I think people got a bit fed up of it.

At the time I was still technically at school and I wasn't really willing to do any algorithmic digging to find out exactly what was going on since I was having to do that crap all day at uni and honestly I hated it. I'm a reluctant mathematician at the best of times, despite my CS background, so I don't do that stuff for fun.

Vic did intervene here (thank you again!) and offered an explanation as to what was going on after I reached out to him and asked for help, although it was more assistance in getting it working rather than any explanation on why it had happened, which is fair enough, but I'm still none the wiser on exactly what it is that's happening on these occasions that supply just randomly doesn't get sent out where it's most needed even when plenty of logistics are available.

If anybody has any information on this issue, if you've experienced it yourself or have some save files showing it happening, or you've got some other insight, feel free to share it here.

That said, I'm probably not going to respond to comments about the rant itself, you've been fair warned in advance and I'm made my excuses for it already. No Shadow Empire players were hurt during the production of this video.



Shadow Empire is one of the most innovative 4X games ever and amongst its many accolades, it boasts both an excellent single player experience while also excelling as a multiplayer game too. The map asymmetry and drastically variable environmental conditions ensures diplomacy is critical, and the end-game doomsday weapons ensure players are pushed to achieve victory sooner rather than later.

This is a multiplayer game featuring a crew of friends I regularly play Dominions and other games with: I am the desperate warlord leading the Ring of Rust, Richard Yorke (regular Slitherine contributor) plays the Empire of Dick, Cael Immortalis is the commander of the Phoenix Legion, and finally Hyde77 heads up the Tribes of Man.

Go buy the game at and help support the developer.

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